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Den aviserade Grekiska båtskatten. (igen)

Visad 215 gånger
2016-11-27 kl 09:53

Man trodde att Grekerna för gott hade droppat sina gamla påhitt om den Grekiska båtskatten i papperskorgen.

Tydligen är dom på gång igen. Sedan sist har dom tydligen fått godkänt från EU att genomdriva den. 

Här är ett färskt klipp från Crusing association`s hemsida.


Latest on Greek tax affecting yachts


October 24, 2016

A new taxation law affecting yachts in Greece still appears to be in a stalemate position with no forward movement since the law was confirmed in August.

But the Cruising Association is still in talks with the Greek Ministry of shipping regarding the collection and enforcement process of the tax as well as the unfairness of some elements of the tax.

The CA hopes that as in 2013/14, when the Ministry took nearly all the CA’s points on board resulting in a major change to Port Police duties, that they will listen again.

CA member, Chris Robb, said: ‘Through our contacts in the Greek Ministry of shipping it is clear that there has been no forward movement on the Proposed Greek Tax on Yachts. Despite the tax having been written into law two months ago, the entire taxation packages are, at the moment, under the scrutiny of the Troika before release around Christmas 2016.'



Har varit i kontakt med övervintrare på Samos marina. Dom har inte hört nåt om detta. 

Vi får hoppas att Grekerna droppar det denna gången också.


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